For babies, sleep is really important. Early in life, a child undergoes enormous development which affects the brain, body, emotions and behavior and provides an opportunity for his continuous progress in infancy and adolescence. Given this, it is mandatory for parents to ensure that their child gets the sleep he needs, whether they are newborns or young children.

After an intensive research, the experts have devised the recommended hours of sleep for children and newborns. Have a look at the table below.

Age RangeRecommended Hours of Sleep
Newborn0-3 months old14-17 hours
Infant4-11 months old12-15 hours
Toddler1-2 years old11-14 hours
Preschool3-5 years old10-13 hours
School-age6-13 years old9-11 hours

These ranges are suitable for full sleep, day time naps or night time. For some babies, one hour more or less may be suitable. Parents might benefit from this guidance while acknowledging that good sleep can vary between children or from day to day. As these guidelines show, a kid grows older and demands for sleep develops. A variety of factors can affect the right amount of sleep for children and parents wanting to support good sleep for their kids might benefit from understanding these specifics.

Why Is Ample Sleep Mandatory for Babies?

Babies are sleeping for more than half of their time, because this is a significant period of growth. Sleep enables the brain to establish networks, engage in activities that assist thought, learning and habit development. Sleep and nourishment also enable a baby to physically develop, grow and improve motor abilities.

Is Napping Good for Your Baby?

It is extremely normal for newborns to nap and get a significant amount of the full day’s sleep. Newborns usually nap for at least 3-4 hours a day, but while the overall napping period is decreasing as they get older, it is usually 2-3 hours or more each day that children keep napping.

Napping is not only normal, but also healthy. Infants can consolidate certain memories by taking regular naps, according to research. Naps also promote a more generalized memory, which is beneficial to learning and brain growth.

How to Help Your Baby Sleep Better?

Parents who are concerned about their baby’s sleep should consult a pediatrician first. Keeping a sleep diary to document your child’s sleep habits can assist your doctor in determining if your baby’s sleep is normal or indicates a potential sleeping problem. Behavioral modifications may support longer sleep periods in babies who struggle to sleep through the night. Reduced reaction time to wakefulness, for example, may support self-soothing, and progressively pushing back bedtime may produce greater drowsiness, allowing a baby to sleep longer.

Another great step would be to get some new sleep accessories for your baby. We would suggest exploring the baby range of Master MoltyFoam as they have recently introduced their “Baby Wedge” and “Baby Mattress”. You will instantly feel your baby’s sleeping habits change for the better!