Improve your Sleep – A guide to healthy sleep Habit

WHAT makes you sleep:

Human brain and body functions stay active in working activities. Sleep is divided into two basic types: rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and non-REM. A hormone called melatonin is the substance in human body that enables muscles to rest state and body sleep. Factors that also influenced need for sleep is production of hormones in immune system called cytokines. Cytokines are designed to assist the immune system to protect body from certain diseases, infections and chronic inflammation.

How sleeping effects your body                          

  • Memory

Research suggest having proper sleep positively impact on learning and memory. Person with complete sleep hours can have good focus, attention and learn efficiently. Having proper sleep also play vital role in consolidation of memory, which also play important role in learning and adapt new information.

  • Heart

For a good health, sleep is vital. People who do not sleep regardless of people who do not eat enough, obesity, smoking, and without workout practices, are at greater danger for cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease. In order to prevent from such dangerous diseases, it is essential to get enough excellent quality sleep.

  • Muscles

To maintain a good body weight and exercise are essential. However, years of studies have also proved a powerful link between insufficient sleep and overweight. Muscles are essential part of body functions, which need appropriate time of sleep. Having a good and full sleep helps muscles to work actively. Sleep also play vital role in improving brain related activities. Insufficient sleeps leads to imbalance of hormones. As a consequence, sleepy individuals tend to feel hungry and eat more energy than well-rested individuals. Indeed, imaging studies indicate that their bodies react differently to unhealthy ingredients when individuals are deprived of sleep. It is also recognized that not sleeping enough lowers a person’s metabolic rate and affects insulin in body.

How sleep Disrupts

Many factors can prevent a good night’s sleep.

  • Nicotine is another stimulant that can keep you awake. Nicotine also leads to more active than normal sleep, and heavy smokers tend to wake up too early because of nicotine withdrawal. Many medicines taken to relieve headaches contain caffeine
  • People who have chronic asthma or bronchitis also have more problems falling asleep and staying asleep than healthy people.
  • Vigorous exercise just before bedtime can make it harder to fall asleep.

Common Sleep Disorders

A number of sleep disorders can disrupt your sleep quality and make you overly sleepy during the day,     even if you spent enough time in bed to be well rested. The three most common sleep disorders are insomnia, sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome.


Insomnia is described as getting difficulty sleeping or sleeping, or as getting unrefreshed sleep despite getting sufficient chance to sleep. Life is packed with occurrences that sometimes trigger insomnia. Such insomnia related issues are prevalent and often caused by circumstances such as workplace stress, family pressure or a traumatic event

Insomnia often creates issues during the day, such as severe sleepiness, tiredness, absence of energy, concentration trouble, mood swings and irritability.

Sleep Apnea

During sleep process breathing ends shortly or becomes very short during sleep in individuals who have sleep apnea (also called sleep-disordered breathing). This shift is triggered by continuous blockage of the upper airways, generally when the soft tissue in the rear of throat breaks and fills the airways partly or entirely.

Each breathing break typically takes 10–120 seconds and can happen 20–30 times or more each in during sleeping hour. If you have sleep apnea, insufficient air can pass into lungs through mouth and nostrils during sleep, that leads to deficiency of oxygen and in the end brain reacts by wakening the person up.

Restless Legs Syndrome

Restless leg syndrome (RLS) creates uncomfortable prickling or pain in the feet, particularly in the calves, which is eased by massaging them. People with RLS feel the need to stretch or exercise to get rid of painful situation.

As a consequence, falling asleep and staying asleep can be hard. It may affect one or both feet. Some individuals feel the feelings in their hands as well. These feelings can also happen when lying down or seated at a desk, and driving in a vehicle.

Find a sleep specialist for your checkup

Researchers have learned a lot about sleep and sleep disorders in recent years. That knowledge has led to a better understanding of the importance of sleep to our lives and our health. For more information regarding sleep issues please visit Sleep research foundation and meet our experts.